Wednesday, December 23, 2009
That six letter word...
I have Non-Hodgkin's B-Cell Lymphoma, Large Cell type. What the hell does that mean, you ask!!! Well, I'm not quite sure. I meet with the hematologist/oncologist tomorrow (12/24). I have a lot of questions and hope to get a lot of answers. I will learn my plan of attack. On 12/31/09 I go for my PET scan. This (from what I understand) will help determine what stage of cancer I have.
I have decided to use my blog to help my friends & family stay informed with my journey through all of this. Sorry "hipsters", I don't think I will be having my left PAO for quite some time...much bigger fish to fry now. Some of my friends had mentioned and I looked into them, but figured that since I have a blog already set up, I would use it. And people can "subscribe" to this blog so that they can get a notification when I post something.
I want to thank everyone that has been so supportive already. I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I do!!! I am strong and have fought through so much crap in my 28 years that cancer does not have a chance with me!!! I will beat this...failure is not an option!!!!
So if you would like to follow this journey...thank you!! And in the words of Lance Armstrong "LIVE STRONG"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Quiet...but for good reasons!!
I had a great support team. My friends Fred and Alicia ran the race with me and my husband and parents came to cheer for me. Fred and Alicia are both pretty tall and have not had hip surgery, so at the beginning of the race I told each of them that if my pace was too slow that I would be completely ok with them running ahead. Alicia ran ahead and finished her first 5k in 33 minutes - I am so proud of her!! But as much as I pleaded with him to run ahead, Fred stayed right beside me and near the end coached me to the finish line.
I am not going to wasn't the prettiest race. At 2.5 miles legs and hips were screaming! My left hip (non-operated) was the worst. My friend who ran with me said he could hear me "clicking" and saw the pain on my face. That is when he started talking to me - telling me that we were going to finish the race and that there was only a short distance to go. He really helped push me along. Because I am sure as many of you know the pain can be debilitating and once you reach a certain level of pain - your body wants to shut done. But I did it - I crossed that finish line!! When I crossed Alicia was there waiting and jumped on me exclaiming "You did it - I am so proud of you!!". I hugged her and I hugged Fred for helping me achieve something I wanted to badly to accomplish.

After I could breath again, my emotions got the best of me and I cried. Last year at this time I was still on crutches and wasn't even on 50% weight bearing and this year I ran a 5k!! I feel so blessed!!!
Now...about that left hip of mine...yeah it is definitely letting me know that it is there. I have been in quite a bit of pain lately, and I am not happy. This is the same kind of pain the right hip had before surgery. I am scheduled to go in for an injection in two weeks and I hope it helps. Although - I am hoping for it to be some miracle shot - but really all it is doing is prolonging life before surgery. Right now I am seriously considering calling my surgeon and setting up the date to have the left PAO done. I am just not sure...on one hand I say yes - let's get this done and over with so I can move on with my life, but on the other hand I say no - because I am not sure I am mentally prepared to do it again. I have a very tough decision to make right now. All I know for sure is that I want to keep running - I love it!!!