Friday, September 17, 2010

Quick update from Dr's appt

I just wanted to write a quick update from the doctor’s appointment I had today. The appointment was to go over the results of the CT scan from Tuesday. As the phone call from the doctor’s office had stated – there are no new masses. This is wonderful news!!!! So now I just need to pray and convince my body to keep the cancer where it is!! Dr. Gareis and I also talked more about the results from the PET scan in July. She showed me the report – and there it was in black and white – “high levels of abnormal activity in the left thyroid”. I know that the doctors have already told me this, but I just think the impact is so much greater in black and white. Yes the doctor’s told me there was still cancer, but truthfully in the back of mind I kept on thinking that maybe they read the report wrong. No such luck.

Dr Gareis then suggested having a needle biopsy done. I have had one of these in the past (back when the whole cancer possibility started). These are very nerve racking things!! No matter how “use to” needles I am – it is a little scary to have six or so needles shoved into my neck!!! I declined to have this biopsy done. And here is my reasoning behind it – confirmed by the doctor, there would not be any action taken from the results of the biopsy, it would simply be yet another test. No treatment action is going to take place until after the PET scan in November. My body is already worn out – why should I subject myself to yet another test.

We talked a little more about the tiredness and overall “not feeling well”. The doctor believes that it is a combination of the Lymphoma, the thyroid, and the stress. I told her that my biggest worry is that people (including myself) look at me and think that I should be able to do anything because I am currently not going through any treatments. The doctor said that this is normal and that it is going to take my body a while to come back to where it was.

My next appointment is the week after we return from Ireland. From there we will schedule the PET scan for the first week of November. Until then…living life. The doctor said that the trip will do me a world of good and will help me “escape” for a little.

We now tune back to our regularly happy self…sorry for the down time…

1 comment:

Tara Karper said...

Just read the last two updates now. I'm so sorry it's slowing you down to the point that it's making you miserable. But I thk you have now confirmed that you need to take it a lil' easy on your body and give it time to build up energy. You could probably spend more time knitting or reading (I wish I had more down time some times to do that kind of stuff). Take advantage of it. The support group sounds like a wonderful idea. Most importantly, Renee, be truthful to yourself and what you're feeling. It's happening, regardless of how you can alter it to come across to others. We obviously wanna see you looking and feeling good but if you are not, then sugar coating it for anyone is only going to make you feel worse. You are going thru this, and we ALL wish you weren't, but you are let your friends and family listen to how you're truly feeling and I pray that that'll bring you some comfort and peace of mind. You remain in my thoughts and are a beautiful and strong woman, be good to yourself!!! x0x0x0